Girls Und Panzer

Stream or Watch Girls und Panzer (Dub) free online without advertisements on AnimeVibe ガールズ&パンツァー, Girls & Panzer, 'Garupan', 'Girls und Panzer' Sypnosis: 'Senshadou' is a traditional sport using World War II era tanks in elimination-based matches. Widely practiced by women and girls alike, it's advertised as a form of art geared towards making ladies more prominent in. Girls & Panzer: Fushou Akiyama Yukari no Sensha Kouza Dec 21, 2012 – Jun 21, 2013 Special 6 episodes × 11min. ★7.01 (4,029) MAL. Official Title: en verified Girls und Panzer: Official Title: ja GIRLS und PANZER: Type: TV Series, 12 episodes Year: till: Tags: military The military, also known as the armed forces, are forces authorized and legally entitled to use deadly force so as to support the interests of the state and its citizens. The task of the military is usually defined as defence of the. Ooarai Girls Academy (県立大洗女子学園) is one of the schools in Girls und Panzer.The school operates assorted World War Two tanks from many nations, including a German Panzerkampfwagen IV, a Czechoslovakian Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) (later converted to a Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer), a German Sturmgeschutz III Ausf.F, a Japanese Type 89B I-Go, a American M3 Lee, a French Char B1-Bis, a.

Chapter 1 - Ore no Jinsei

[At a certain Japanese Household]

'Onii-chan let's play!' a soft and caring voice called out from behind.

'Onii-sama hurry up!' yet another voice called out but this time it was firm but still caring.

'Alright what should we play?'

'Let's ride a tank!' Both of them replied with the cutest smiles.

'Sounds like a great plan! Let's go!' grabbed them both by their hands.

'Don't be long now dinner is almost ready!'another voice called and this time it was loud and strict and yet you could feel the love and worry underneath the words.

'Of Course Okaa-chan! Don't worry I'll take care of them' the boy said with the biggest smile on my face.

(As the three of us ran to the yard to play suddenly I felt the two hands I was holding disappear.)

'Huh?!'he looked behind and no one was there

'Hey where did you guys go?!' he shouted

Nobody replied and he started breathing heavily.

'Please don't leave me alone! Anyone!?' I shouted some more.

(He was scared and knelt on the ground then heard laughter from people he doesn't know. It grew louder and louder as he covered his ears and closed his eyes.)

'HAHAHA' 'Look at him' 'What an abomination' 'This is unacceptable'

'Stop laughing at me!' he shouted

(Then He blinked, and blinked and blinked and saw a familiar ceiling.)

(It was his room's ceiling. He woke up in a pitiful state and covered in sweat.)

[Matsumoto Household - Tokyo]

'Another nightmare, the same nightmare each night.'

'It doesn't make any sense to me at all why I keep having that same dream.'

(I sat down on my bed and looked at the clock only to see I had 30 mins left before school started.)

(As he stared at it for about 5 seconds) 'Oh shit'

'I'm gonna be laaaaate!'

(Within 10 minutes he prepared himself to go to school.)


(Then my father yelled at me as well and kicked me in the butt.)


(This is my father or Kuso-jiji as I call him. He has been taking care of me for as long as I can remember. He may be a kuso-jiji but I still love him!)


'What do you think I'm doing right now huh?!'

'Being late I presume?'

(A familiar voice called out to me from the front door)

'Yo Gero good morning!'

'Ohh Ono morning!'

(This is Ono Nakamura, my best and most trustworthy friend, we are always together, he has brown hair and light green eyes)

'Good morning Matsumoto-san'

'Yes yes a fine morning to you also Ono-kun. Can you please take this stupid son of mine and help him reach the school'

'Leave that to me sir I'll see to it he gets there'

'Hoy stop talking about me like I'm some lost kid or something'

'Are you not?' Both Ono and his father said in unison.


'Well Kuso-jiji, Ittekimasu!'

'Itarashai kuso-gaki'

(This is how my normal day starts on our way to our normal school)

(My name is Gero Matsumoto, nineteen years old, normal black hair and brown eyes, not that handsome and not that ugly either. My blood type is B and my favorite food is Ramen! I currently am studying at Shirokumo Boys High School.)

(I have lived a normal life, went to a normal school, had a normal relationship and then it all ended normally. Nothing new and nothing special about my life until a certain day of this very normal life of mine that I had a life changing encounter.)

[Shirokumo Boys High School - Tokyo]

'Morning Matsu-kun! Ono-kun!'

'Yo morning Ken'

'Good morning Ken-chan'

(This guy is Ken Tsugomoto, our classmate from middle school and our gaming buddy, he has red hair and brown eyes)


'As usual barely in time for school Matsu-kun'

'Oh shut it Ken you know how my mornings are'

'Haha yeah I know bro, who do you think has been seeing you late everyday at middle school'

(The three of us burst out in laughter)

'Come on now let's get to class the before we get scolded'

[Ooarai Girls Academy Carrier - Lunch Time]

(A certain young girl with light brown short hair was looking at a certain Panzer IV at the garage)

'Nishizumi-dono let's eat lunch together!'


'I'm so hungry Miho-san'

'Saori I'm so sleepy'

(The girl looked at her best friends and excitedly accepted their invitation.)

[Shirokumo Boys High School - Lunch Time]

'Thank the Lord it's time to eat!'

'I'm so huuungry Matsu-kuuuuuun'

'Let's head now to the cafeteria Ken'

'Yes sir!'

(The two headed towards the school cafeteria and met with Ono)

'Itadakimasu!'the three of them said in unison

(As they were eating they heard from their school radio shocking news)

'Today at Tokyo Stadium we are here to listen to what the M.E.X.T will announce regarding the new Senshado rules' the news reporter said.

(Gero and his friends were suddenly interested)

'Everybody welcome Kodama Shichiro of M.E.X.T a round of applause!'

*Loud sounds of applause*

'Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I am pleased to be here now and announce to you the future of our country's Senshado!'

'Senshado huh? Hey Ono does our school have a Senshado Club?'

'Not that I know of Gero besides even if we had one only Girls are doing Senshado remember?'

'That's right Matsu-kun we guys never had the chance to join in the fun'

'Hmmm riding a tank huh...sounds like it could be fun'

'Have you guys ever ridden one before? I've only done it in games.' asked Ken.

'Nope. How about you Gero?' said Ono

'Of course no- '

(Suddenly Gero felt immense pain in his head like he was about to remember something)

(He sort of saw himself sitting on a small tank but the memory was hazy)

'Ughh..what the hell!' Gero grabbing his scar on his head from the pain.

'What's wrong Gero?!'

'Matsu-kun you alright?!'

'It's nothing, just got a little dizzy that's all'

'Did your scar ache again?'

'I'm fine, sorry to make you worry Ono'

'Matsu-kun you better stop playing those late night eroges it's getting to your head'

Girls Und Panzer Characters

'Oh shut it'

(The three of them laughed it out as usual)

[Tokyo Stadium - Live M.E.X.T Announcement]

(A young lady was sitting at the edge of the crowd and was watching Kodama give his speech)

(She had long black hair and black clothes)

'May I sit next to you?' another lady dressed in Military attire said standing near her.

'Do what you want.' said the lady

'Thank you Shiho Nishizumi-san'

(The lady sat beside Shiho)

'Surprised to even see you here Chouno-kun'

'Well you know me always wanting to be updated with Senshado' giving a smile to Shiho

'What do you think that old man and that four eyes has planned now'

'Hopefully something good to cover up their mishaps with the Ooarai case'

[Tokyo Stadium Stage]

'I, Kodama Shichiro, proudly announce to all of you that we will now allow boys into Senshado!'

(A loud gasp mixed with cheers filled the stadium)

Girls Und Panzer

'But as of now we will only accept one representative from each boys school or co-ed schools to minimize the chaos and test the waters with this big change'


'One representative meaning one tank per school and they will be paired with a girls school'

'I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy this and some of you will even hate this change'

'But this will bring out more talent and potential in our country's Senshado and bring us to new heights that we have never seen before.'

'Therefore I would like to ask all of you for your continued support! Thank you very much!'

(Loud applause and cheers was given to the end of Kodama's speech)

'Ohh this will be interesting' Ami Chouno said with a smiled and applauded

(Chouno failed to see that Shiho next to her was standing)

'This can't be- ' Shiho was staring eyes wide and had a worrying look on her face.

'What's wrong Nishizumi-san?' Chouno called out to her

'N-Nothing..I have to leave now Chouno-kun excuse me' Shiho left in a hurry

(Chouno just sat there and thought to herself)

Girls Und Panzer Tanks

'What could possibly give that woman the so called 'Demon' of Senshado a fright'

Girls Und Panzer Wiki

(Then Chouno suddenly realized something) 'Impossible' Chouno said

Girls Und Panzer Episode 1

Hi guys this is my first fan-fic that i have made. Leave a favorite and comment if you enjoyed the read! Ask anything and any kind of reaction or criticism is welcome! Thanks!